[NetBehaviour] FLOSS Manuals UK hub warm-up (change of time)
larisa blazic
2014-10-16 17:07:49 UTC
Hi all.
Apologies for cross posting. If you're in London on the 18th October, please join us. Please note start time changed to 3pm. See below:
FLOSS Manuals UK hub warm-up

Date: 18th October 2014
Time: 3-6pm
Place: Furtherfield Commons

? FLOSS Manuals was launched by Adam Hyde in 2007 to remedy the deficit of good free documentation about Free Software. Our strategy? since the beginning has been to develop communities to produce high quality free manuals about Free Software in their own language. Today, through the use of Booksprints and federated publishing techniques we have more than 120 books in more? than 30 languages and more than 4,000 contributors.?

? FLOSS Manuals? is more than a collection of manuals about doing things with free and? open source software, it is also the community, The contributors include? designers, readers, writers, illustrators, free software fans, editors,? artists, software developers, activists, and many others. Anyone can? contribute to a manual ? to fix a spelling mistake, add a more detailed? explanation, write a new chapter, or start a whole new manual on a? topic.

? FLOSS Manuals now consists of 3 independent language communities (French, English,? Finnish) supported by a Foundation based in Holland. Our current focus is to develop strong partnerships with grassroots educators to develop educational materials about free software. Come to our UK hub warm-up meeting at Furtherfield to propose books/manuals projects, to encourage others to propose book/manual projects and also to invite publishers, or people interested in publishing.

? The afternoon is convened by Larisa Blazic, Mick Fuzz and Rachel Baker. Mick is a long-term contributor at FLOSS Manuals and community educator. Rachel has recently undertaken a detailed study of Booksprints process. Larisa is investigating how FLOSS tools and practices to be best embedded in post-graduate programmes.?

? Contacts: Lara <lab_webATyahoo.com>; Mick - FM <mickATflossmanuals.net>?
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Mick Clearerchannel
2014-10-16 18:01:35 UTC
We also wanted to ask if anyone was attending that might be able to do
an audio stream from a laptop.

We don't want to put people out by bringing in mikes and mixers, but we
think that an open laptop might do a pretty good job and thought someone
might be able to help.

Let me know if so and I'll promote it to the international FLOSS Manuals

nice one
2014-10-16 19:03:17 UTC
Post by Mick Clearerchannel
We also wanted to ask if anyone was attending that might be able to do
an audio stream from a laptop.
Not sure whether a rather old netbook could do..

What is the neoTime?

However, initially, read this as a call for a:
Here's the search.. (check the images, I think it brings a certain
spectrum, perhaps with its own frequency - eg. images todo with weddings,
kids, and abuse..)

Cheers and have much fun!

Post by Mick Clearerchannel
We don't want to put people out by bringing in mikes and mixers, but we
think that an open laptop might do a pretty good job and thought someone
might be able to help.
Let me know if so and I'll promote it to the international FLOSS Manuals
nice one
NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
Mark Hancock
2014-10-17 00:12:29 UTC

If I get there on time (shouldn't be too much of an issue but you never know, coming from Coventry), I'm happy to bring my Zoom audio recorder along for historical recording, rather than live stream. But you've probably got that covered, I'm guessing?

Post by ahanon
Post by Mick Clearerchannel
We also wanted to ask if anyone was attending that might be able to do
an audio stream from a laptop.
Not sure whether a rather old netbook could do..
What is the neoTime?
Here's the search.. (check the images, I think it brings a certain
spectrum, perhaps with its own frequency - eg. images todo with weddings,
kids, and abuse..)
Cheers and have much fun!
Post by Mick Clearerchannel
We don't want to put people out by bringing in mikes and mixers, but we
think that an open laptop might do a pretty good job and thought someone
might be able to help.
Let me know if so and I'll promote it to the international FLOSS Manuals
nice one
NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
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marc garrett
2014-10-18 09:47:32 UTC
Hi Mark &b all,

I just cannot make this one. I am getting my MPhil part of my Phd ready
to hand in and it is demanding much head space.

Ruth will be there today though, with some excellent others ;-)

Wishing you well.

Post by Mark Hancock
If I get there on time (shouldn't be too much of an issue but you
never know, coming from Coventry), I'm happy to bring my Zoom audio
recorder along for historical recording, rather than live stream. But
you've probably got that covered, I'm guessing?
On 16 Oct 2014, at 20:03, ahanon <aha at aharonic.net
Post by ahanon
Post by Mick Clearerchannel
We also wanted to ask if anyone was attending that might be able to do
an audio stream from a laptop.
Not sure whether a rather old netbook could do..
What is the neoTime?
Here's the search.. (check the images, I think it brings a certain
spectrum, perhaps with its own frequency - eg. images todo with weddings,
kids, and abuse..)
Cheers and have much fun!
Post by Mick Clearerchannel
We don't want to put people out by bringing in mikes and mixers, but we
think that an open laptop might do a pretty good job and thought someone
might be able to help.
Let me know if so and I'll promote it to the international FLOSS Manuals
nice one
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NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org <mailto:NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
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NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
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