[NetBehaviour] Open call for Digital Shoreditch 2015
Pollie Barden
2014-10-01 15:29:10 UTC
In case you haven't seen it yet. here it is.....

Get involved in Digital Shoreditch Festival, 11th-24th May 2015 Together we
will celebrate and showcase all that is awesome in tech and it's convergi

Get involved in Digital Shoreditch Festival, 11th-24th May 2015

Together we will celebrate and showcase all that is awesome in tech and
it's converging industries, with a programme including talks, workshops,
open studios, meetups, exhibitions, parties and more - all drawn from the

Share your insight with thousands of festival goers - propose your session
before 28th November:

It only takes two minutes, get your proposal in now.

Give us a shout if you have any questions.

Love & Kittens,
The Digital Shoreditch Team

[image: twitter]
[image: 1px]
(c)2014 Digital Shoreditch | 42-46 Princelet Street, London, E1
Web Version

Powered by * Mad Mimi* (R)
"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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dave miller
2014-10-01 15:50:45 UTC
thanks very much Pollie - this sounds very interesting and a great
Will take a look
In case you haven't seen it yet. here it is?..
Get involved in Digital Shoreditch Festival, 11th-24th May 2015 Together
we will celebrate and showcase all that is awesome in tech and it's convergi
Get involved in Digital Shoreditch Festival, 11th-24th May 2015
Together we will celebrate and showcase all that is awesome in tech and
it's converging industries, with a programme including talks, workshops,
open studios, meetups, exhibitions, parties and more - all drawn from the
Share your insight with thousands of festival goers - propose your session
It only takes two minutes, get your proposal in now.
Give us a shout if you have any questions.
Love & Kittens,
The Digital Shoreditch Team
[image: twitter]
[image: 1px]
?2014 Digital Shoreditch | 42-46 Princelet Street, London, E1
Web Version
Powered by * Mad Mimi* ?
"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
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marc garrett
2014-10-02 08:59:14 UTC
V&A Digital Futures @The White Building - #1 MONEY NO OBJECT with Heidi

7 October at 14:00

V&A Digital Futures is a monthly meetup and open platform for the
display and discussion of work by students, researchers and creative
practitioners working with digital media, interactive art, digital
design, science and more. The programme offers participants
opportunities to show and discuss work, but also a platform to network
and nurture discussion and future collaborations.

This session marks the conclusion of Heidi Hinder?s practice-based
research project at the V&A, Money No Object, supported by Creativeworks
London and UnLtd, and it is exploring the impact of technology on future
currency and transactions as well as questions relating to how value may
be manifested in years to come. The session will include talks and a



Participants and schedule

2-6pm show&tell:


Heidi Hinder - http://www.moneynoobject.co.uk/

Byron Peters - http://byronpeters.com/

Jennifer Lyn Morone - http://jenniferlynmorone.com/

Patrick Stevenson-Keating - http://www.studiopsk.com/

Austin Houldsworth - http://www.austinhouldsworth.co.uk/

4-6pm panel discussion:

Chaired by Ruth Catlow, artist, Furtherfield co-founder and artistic
director, Play Your Place co-creator - http://furtherfield.org/,
http://furtherfield.org/gallery, www.playyourplace.co.uk


Brett Scott, economic systems explorer, writer, Finance Innovation Lab
Fellow - http://suitpossum.blogspot.co.uk/

Nicky Marsh, University of Southampton, author of Money, Finance, and
Speculation in Recent British Fiction, co-curator Show Me The Money: The
Image of Finance 1700 to the present - http://www.imageoffinance.com/

Rob Myers, artist, writer and hacker - http://robmyers.org/

Heidi Hinder, artist-maker and researcher - http://www.moneynoobject.co.uk/

Please note from October 2014 Digital Futures will be taking place at
The White Building.

The White Building, run by SPACE, is an incubator for discursive and
innovative thought, it serves as a testing ground and creative lab for
artists and creatives whose work engages with technology.


Image caption: 'Tap & Pay' by Heidi Hinder
Have questions about V&A Digital Futures: Money No Object? Contact Irini
Papadimitriou -- imirena At hotmail dot com
marc garrett
2014-10-02 09:24:00 UTC
Data as Culture

Review/article by Daniel Rourke

Rourke wallows in curator Shiri Shalmy's ongoing project Data as
Culture, examining works by Paolo Cirio and James Bridle that deal
explicitly with the concatenation of data. What happens when society is
governed by a regime of data about data, increasingly divorced from the

marc garrett
2014-10-03 09:35:15 UTC
crisisRus in Berlin - open call

OPEN CALL for Berlin-based electroDIY, femmeWIZ, homeMAKERS,
mommieDEAREST, transSISTERS, diehardACTIVISTS, closetHACKERS,
radioBOOMERS, sonicNOISERS to join CrisisRus' workshops - modifing
pots&pans for electro-Cacerolazo noisemaking and wiring up miniFM
transmitters for short range radio broadcast.

OPEN CALL for participants to join informal round table strategy
discussion on crises faced by the women living in Berlin in everyday
life. Our topics include the precariousness of living and working spaces
threatened by rising rents and displacement; the restrictive laws that
limit and nullify the living space and movement for refugees and asylum
seekers. Bring your crisis, your needs and interests, together we hope
to address the possible strategies and practices in coping with crises.


Alpha nova-kulturwerkstatt & Galerie futura
Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin
14:00-18:00, multi-station workshops
14: 00-15: 30, informal round table "crisis""
20:00-21:00, live performance with radio streams
October 25, 2014

LaptopsRus in collaboration with reboot.fm presents the 4th edition of
CrisisRus with workshops and performance at Alpha nova-kulturwerkstatt &
Galerie futura in Berlin on October 25, 2014.

LaptopsRus is a self-organized open-participatory platform engaged in
networking woman live performers. Prompted by the prolonging economic
crisis as manifested in global Cacerolazo (dubbed global noise) where
protesters bang on pots and pans while marching, we launched CrisisRus
"NETWORK | RE:WORK" bringing together woman performers, homemakers,
nomads, artists, activists to manifest woman work force and resilient
capacity in these time of personal, political and economical crisis.

Alpha nova-kulturwerkstatt & galerie promotes the interaction of
artistic, theoretical and political practices with an explicit
gender-critical perspective.
As part of CrisisRus' workshop sessions and performance, we hold an
informal round-table discussion (to be recorded) on relating the
experiences and the coping with crises. Teaming up with Berlin-based
free art radio, reboot.fm, crisisRus holds workshops on making DIY
electronics and miniFM transmitters. Bring your defunct pots and pans,
your soldering irons, your boomboxes, we provide parts and wires for
electronic modification. Through mutual learning and teaching, we turn
pots and pans into electro-noisemaking apparatus. The miniFM radio
workshop demonstrates the possibilities of signaling crisis by
short-range radio transmission. These workshops are free of charge. You
get to take home your own DIY/DIWO devices.

The Workshop participants are encouraged to take part in the evening
performance where we bring together sonic amplification, video documents
and recorded conversation on crises and strategies for a grand electro
Cacerolazo. The audience are invited to voice their own views with pots,
pans and via megaphones. The live performance will be streamed live on

To register for the workshops/roundtable, write to
now at laptopsrus.me

We invite remote participation - to upload crisis banners and videos

Join by facebook

with Maite Cajaraville,_Shu Lea Cheang &_Luc?a Ega?a Rojas

with Diana McCarty

with Anne Kohl & Katharina Koch
