[NetBehaviour] Call for submissions: Eastern Bloc Residency Winter 2015
Art - Eastern Bloc
2014-10-09 16:06:50 UTC
Eastern Bloc <http://easternbloc.ca> (Montreal, CA) announces its upcoming
winter 2015 residency. Call for submissions now open.

Winter 2015 Residency
<http://www.easternbloc.ca/calls.php?lien=calls-residency-w2015> (Eastern
Bloc Lab)

Deadline for submissions: 21 November 2014, 5pm
Production residency: 26 January ? 20 March 2015
Public presentation: 26 ? 29 March 2015

Eastern Bloc? media lab is a space for experimenting, learning, theorizing
and creating ? a place to further develop systems-based, networked,
generative and hybrid practices through an artist-led discourse. The lab is
a site of convergence for artists (both emerging and established),
professionals, students, technicians, theorists and curators ? encouraged
to work side by side, supporting one another conceptually as well as

For the upcoming Winter residency, artists (or artist collectives) are
asked to submit a project in one or more of the following disciplines: Net
art, interactive installation/performance, bio art, audio/video
installation, A/V performance, sound performance/installation, public

The selected artist or artist collective will benefit from an 8 week
production residency in the Eastern Bloc lab (26 January ? 20 March 2015),
followed by 4 days to present the completed work or work-in-progress in one
of the centre?s gallery spaces (26 ? 29 March 2015). The selected artist or
collective will receive a total fee of $1500 CAD for the residency
(including production, presentation and workshop). Travele xpenses are not
covered through this program.

Artists must submit the following:

- Artistic statement (max 250 words)
- Detailed description of the project including technical requirements
(max 500 words)
- Bio and up-to-date CV of all collaborators
- Support material of current or past works (max. 10 images and/or 2
audio/video excerpts, no more than 20 MB)

All completed submissions must be sent by email to art at easternbloc.ca no
later than 5pm on Friday, November 21st, 2014.


Eliane Ellbogen
Directrice artistique | Artistic Director
Eastern Bloc

facebook : facebook.com/EasternBlocMtl
twitter : @EasternBlocMtl
instagram : instagram.com/easternblocmtl
vimeo : vimeo.com/easternbloc
tumblr : easternblocmtl.tumblr.com
linkedin : linkedin.com/company/eastern-bloc

7240 rue Clark, Montr?al, QC, H2R 2Y3
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